Saturday, May 21, 2022



In article 19 contains the law about the universal declaration of human rights the right or have freedom to share your opinion for something in public to express your own self freely. Freedom to express opinions and ideas is considered essential at both individual level as it contributes to the development of a person and being a foundation of a democratic society. Free speech is absolutely necessary precondition to the enjoyment of other rights, such as the right to vote, preassembly and freedom of association, and to ensure press freedom.


The media here in the Philippines is remarked upon as being the freest in Asia Conventional academic opinion in the Philippines attributes the country’s long tradition of respect for free expression and a   press to the American colonial administration.    


Media is the largest way of information for all people today, it contains social, political, entertainment, sports and showbiz.  Sometimes media contains real news but more often fake news also showed on it.  Viewers must learn how to know if the videos they played are real or fake, but what is the significance of studying communication media laws and ethics.


            In studying communication media laws, we can understand everyone’s human rights, human responsibility, principles of democratic society and we can understand different cultures of every nation or nation of the world. We also study communication media law to have an informed understanding of the professional, practical and social issues that rise from the ways we try to balance rights and responsibilities of community and their own ideas. The practical benefits of studying communication media law may simply be to stay out of trouble, for instance, to help navigate the maze of issues around libel, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, and advertising or broadcasting regulations. An understanding of the law may also aid in daily job performance, knowing how to file a freedom of information act request, or how to object to a courtroom closing, or to stand up against   censorship.   As professional media expert studying communication media laws gives you confidence and ability to work freely and ethically in transmitting news, entertainments and now a days digital publisher is already made and everyone can connect we must now the right and true message we carry for them.


            Most of the time media used to assassinate someone’s character, they can easily destroy someone’s credibility by showing their negative act in media sometimes most of the chapters of this online book start with cases that reflect media problems. Still, it would be a mistake to draw conclusions from collections of anecdotal evidence without an analytical or historical framework. Therefore, being good and trusted media expert, we should know the laws of media communication and its ethics we must built our credibility as workers in the field of media we must always carry the proper message for the viewers or listeners we must avoid being bias always know the ethical way of communication in media.

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