Sunday, May 22, 2022


Understanding the importance of broadcasting principles and practices is essential because this provides the enhancement of student's skills  in writing, acting and directing for radio and television programs. Learning by doing and practicing these skills will greatly benefit the student for his future career in communication industry. The principles of broadcasting is used as a guide in developing a character of an ethical and reliable broadcaster. It is merely good for everyone to have a good and honest broadcaster because everyone deserves a high quality news that can be trusted. Broadcasting on television and radio is a professional job to be respected. 

The keys to be successful in broadcasting are being prepared, being engaging, staying relevant and being persevere. Be sure that you are prepared by practicing and doing research, because broadcasters are never "just winging it". Communicating to a large audience needs a lot of engagement so, you should ensure that it is engaging by bringing your real personality to the broadcast and being passionate in what you are doing. It is important to stay talking about what is relevant to your audience so, you have to pay attention on what is necessary. Always thinking positive is needed to stay persevere to the job so, you have to keep practicing and take whatever jobs you can get to become a well-known broadcaster.

Communication students are the future broadcasters of the country. As the industry of broadcasting continues to grow and as society becomes increasingly hungry. The demands for broadcasting professionals is expected to arise.  Radio and television remained as important venue for broadcasting professionals, though the industry has added podcast and online streaming. Broadcasters who are successful in this industry are those who can deliver accurate and up-to-the-minute information. 

Reporters, writers, producers, camera operators, editors, and others will find many opportunities in the broadcasting industry. All are members of a broadcasting team that collaborates to produce news, sports, and other programming. One of the qualities of a good broadcaster is able to meet deadlines and dealing with the pressure that such an environment brings is a necessary personality trait in broadcasting. Broadcast journalists should have strong investigative skills in order to obtain the most relevant information for their stories. Camera operators and producers should have a keen sense of investigation to help them come up with story ideas, get the best shots, and keep the story moving forward. Also, reporters and presenters, particularly those who are on camera, should exude a warm, friendly demeanor that allows the audience to connect with them because viewers can develop a sense of trust and rapport with a smiling face and a gentle tone. To produce a successful program, dozens of elements must work together, and each member of the broadcasting team must recognize that the ultimate goal is a collaborative effort. 

A career in broadcasting can be extremely rewarding and lucrative, but there are a few things to consider before pursuing this path. Careers in broadcasting play an important role in the entertainment industry and provide a valuable source of public information.

Saturday, May 21, 2022



In article 19 contains the law about the universal declaration of human rights the right or have freedom to share your opinion for something in public to express your own self freely. Freedom to express opinions and ideas is considered essential at both individual level as it contributes to the development of a person and being a foundation of a democratic society. Free speech is absolutely necessary precondition to the enjoyment of other rights, such as the right to vote, preassembly and freedom of association, and to ensure press freedom.


The media here in the Philippines is remarked upon as being the freest in Asia Conventional academic opinion in the Philippines attributes the country’s long tradition of respect for free expression and a   press to the American colonial administration.    


Media is the largest way of information for all people today, it contains social, political, entertainment, sports and showbiz.  Sometimes media contains real news but more often fake news also showed on it.  Viewers must learn how to know if the videos they played are real or fake, but what is the significance of studying communication media laws and ethics.


            In studying communication media laws, we can understand everyone’s human rights, human responsibility, principles of democratic society and we can understand different cultures of every nation or nation of the world. We also study communication media law to have an informed understanding of the professional, practical and social issues that rise from the ways we try to balance rights and responsibilities of community and their own ideas. The practical benefits of studying communication media law may simply be to stay out of trouble, for instance, to help navigate the maze of issues around libel, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, and advertising or broadcasting regulations. An understanding of the law may also aid in daily job performance, knowing how to file a freedom of information act request, or how to object to a courtroom closing, or to stand up against   censorship.   As professional media expert studying communication media laws gives you confidence and ability to work freely and ethically in transmitting news, entertainments and now a days digital publisher is already made and everyone can connect we must now the right and true message we carry for them.


            Most of the time media used to assassinate someone’s character, they can easily destroy someone’s credibility by showing their negative act in media sometimes most of the chapters of this online book start with cases that reflect media problems. Still, it would be a mistake to draw conclusions from collections of anecdotal evidence without an analytical or historical framework. Therefore, being good and trusted media expert, we should know the laws of media communication and its ethics we must built our credibility as workers in the field of media we must always carry the proper message for the viewers or listeners we must avoid being bias always know the ethical way of communication in media.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Digital Imaging

At ancient times when digital imaging is not yet discovered it is very hard to preserved or document something. Ancient people only use stone, animal skin, pressed leaves or stalk of plants to wrote something and that time they are not capable to captured something for that reason there are part of history that we didn’t know because of lack of documentation until 1826, a France named Nicephore Niepce and his brother Claude used photograph in the window at Le Gras France  but it undergoes more invention to upgrade its quality  until the time of Frederick G. Weigart and James F. Mcnulty a US radio Engineer invented the first apparatus to generate a digital in a real time. The photo was a fluoroscopic digital radiography with wave signals on the florescent screen, that time people engage in the field of  digital imaging and it change everything  

The term digital imaging is converting the printed text, artwork, and photographs into digital images using a digital scanner or another imaging device. A particular amount of pixels or dots are displayed on a screen in each digital image. Pixels is mapped on a grid and saved on a computer precisely. The value of tone each pixel determines the hue or color of an image. The value is encoded in binary code comprising  bits of data. The so called are read by the computer and converted to an analog presentation of the image. The amount of pixel per inch determines the image resolution. In digital imaging we have five components to replicate originally  every thing you want to capture or to transfer it in a digital form. We have Dynamic range, Bit depth, File format, File size, Compression. Because of those components you will surely 100%  captured the original picture of everything you want it

 At this era there are important things which created through digital imaging  and most of the time this things becomes necessity to us. We have the so - called web page, Multimedia, Booklet, Graphic presentation  GIF EXAMPLES, JPEG EXAMPLES, PNG EXAMPLES and many more creation through digital imaging. So as we see on our previous text digital imaging is very important to us for today’s time, because of digital imaging we can preserve those documents which is very valuable to us, like Lot title, pictures, magazines, and many more.

 The constant advancement and production of physical equipment and hardware related to digital imaging has affected the environment surrounding the field. From cameras and web cams to printers and scanners, the hardware is becoming sleeker, thinner, faster, and cheaper. As the cost of equipment decreases, the market for new enthusiasts widens, allowing more consumers to experience the thrill of creating their own images. By the used of digital imaging we can also create our own design using different applications or software. By the use of digital imaging people from different nations quickly connect to each other using different types of digital it helps us also to study in an easy way through duplicating different studying materials in the field of teaching, by the used of digital imaging the teachers also used visual presentation to teach well and to easily make some lesson plan, they easily record the grades of there students in other word by the use of digital imaging every field of work digital imaging is very Important even you are not working digital imaging is very important to you, to all worker digital imaging helps to lesser the time most convenient  to used, accurate and presentable at any age are using digital imaging. We can say that digital imaging is already part of our life.


Understanding the importance of broadcasting principles and practices is essential because this provides the enhancement of student's sk...