Friday, April 1, 2022

Supporting Small Businesses of Filipinos for Livelihood Increase

    Filipinos have been a traditionalist when it comes to choosing their career. Education is very important, that's why most Filipinos are aiming to graduate college with a degree. In the other hand, some people's mindset of "taking business instead of studying in a formal school," have been struggling to criticism that they will become poor. With that thinking, "that is not true". 

    Some people who became successful in business learned with their experience. More of these people becomes free with their time when they manage their own businesses successfully. In my opinion business minded people helped the economy a lot. 

    Poor people people have just been so unlucky because they do not have a lot of money. In other state, the rich people are lucky because most of them have the correct mindset and the people around them who are also into business are becoming their nearest mentors. These business minded people help the other unfortunate or unemployed people to have their livelihood. But I believe that Filipinos are intellectually innovative and resourceful. The only thing that is lacking for them to be successful is the discipline in managing the money to help them to become prosperous in their small businesses. 

    The government have provided agencies and centers to help Filipinos establish their own businesses. How about the start-ups? How can they sure that they will become successful?
Supporting Filipinos with their start-up businesses financially and with their learning and understanding with the importance of management and discipline in doing business is very helpful. I think that mentors from successful businesses will help a lot. These supports the backbone of the economy and with supporting small businesses to become successful, in longer time the Philippines will become more progressive. No Filipino will become poor because all is managing their own business and livelihood. 

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