Saturday, October 23, 2021

Blog: Communication Models and Theories

Communication is the process of understanding one of each other thoughts and ideas. It is something people do to have connection to relate to each other. Good communication is the solution to help overcome misunderstanding. On Wibbur Schram’s modification It is very important that the relationship between the context of communicator A and communicator B is understandable to be able to influence each other. He says that the social environment is included in the model. Walter Lippmann’s Barrier to effective communication includes artificial censorship, gatekeepers in the media, shrinking news holes, limitation of social contact and meager time for paying attention.


The seven Cs of communication that helps overcome barriers are clarity, credibility, content, context, continuity,capability and channels. Clarity is the way of communicating which is understandable. Credibility is knowing that the source of the idea in communicating is factual. Context is the thought or ideas that is brought when communicating. Continuity is the way of transition where in the ideas are all aligned with each other. Capability is the way which is the communication is helpful to each communicator. Channels are the medium of communication.


The Hawthrone effect explains that we need words to communicate. It gives care to each communicator if they understand each other. As a result productivity increased.


Correct communication in public is essential. Knowing what the audience behavior toward massages and issues is also important to know how to influence them. Grunig identified four types of public based opinion process. There are four types which are all-issue public, apathetic public, single-issue public and hot-issue public. Grunig also identified another way of labeling public. There are four way of labeling publics they are the nompublics, latent publics, aware publics and active publics.


The types of publics are important to the process of public opinion because influencing each of them will require different tactics. Public opinion elements are opinion, belief, attitude and value. Opinion is the view formed in the mind about a particular matter. Belief is the state or habit in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing. Attitude is the mental position with regard to fact or state, a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state. Value is something extrinsically valuable or desirable; something esteemed.


Agenda Setting Theory

Agenda Setting Theory states that mass media organizations determine what the general population considers newsworthy by deciding how much attention a news story receives. The term salience transfer is commonly used and refers to the ability of the media to transfer their agendas onto the public.McCombs and Shaw (1993): the media not only tell people what to think about in broad terms, but additionally how to think about specific terms, but additionally how to think about specific items, and then what to think. Rogers and Dearing (1996) further developed the agenda setting theory and provided key agenda setting concepts.Concept 1: the agenda setting process is very fluid, dynamic attempt to get the attention of the media, the public and or policy makers.Concept 2: the agenda is a “set of issues”.


Diffusion Theory

Diffusion theory is the process by which new ideas are adopted or rejected.The diffusion theory originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system. The end result of this diffusion is that people, as part of a social system, adopt a new idea, behavior, or product (Rogers, 1995). The word of mouth is very important in diffusion, It helps us understand and explain what kind of interpersonal communication is most effective in accomplishing major change.



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